This man felt something moving inside his head. What doctors found was truly shocking. A builder was found to have hundreds of parasitic worms in his brain after eating undercooked pork.
Doctors in China were shocked when an MRI revealed over 700 tapeworms living inside a man’s brain and chest. The patient, identified as 43 year old Zhu Zhang PHA, began losing consciousness and suffering from seizures not long after eating a hot pot containing uncooked pork.
A doctor found hundreds of tapeworms festering inside a 43 year old man’s brain and chest after eating undercooked pork, according to a report by Fox News. The Chinese National had been complaining about seizures and loss of consciousness for a couple of weeks, but it took a while to figure out that there were tapeworms in his body. Zhu Jiang FA had consumed undercooked pork a couple of weeks prior.
The doctor informed him that tiny soleum, a parasitic tapeworm, was present in the undercooked meat he consumed, which subsequently entered his body. More than 700 tapeworms were found in his body, according to Pearl video.
The doctors zeroed in on the reason for Zhu Jiang FA’s seizures and loss of consciousness following a brain scan. Tapeworms can be spotted in the scan, and Zhang FA’s doctor observed that there’s no telling what part they could occupy after consumption. Different patients respond differently to the infection, depending on where the parasites occupy.
In this case, he had seizures and lost consciousness, but others with cysts in their lungs might cough a lot, Dr. Wang Zhang, Zhangfa’s doctor at Affiliated Hospital of Zhang University School of Medicine, told Asia Wire.
Dr. Wang Zhaeong said the parasites larvae entered his body through his digestive system before traveling upward to his brain via his bloodstream. Zhu Jean Phi said there could be damage to his organs after being diagnosed with sister cirrhosis and neurosticetrosis. The doctor said the patient had been given anti parasitic drugs to kill the tapeworms and larvae in his body to stop any further damage to his organs. Dr.
Wong confirmed the patient was responding to treatment and recovering, but said there is a possibility of longterm effects from the infestation. Tiniesis is the intestinal infection of the adult tapeworm. When left untreated, a more serious condition known as sister cirrhosis develops as tsollium larvae invade body tissues when larvae built up in the central nervous system, muscles, skin and eyes.
It leads to neurocystro cirrhosis, the most severe form of the disease and a common cause of seizures worldwide, according to a report by the who. Humans become infected with T Solium, usually after consuming undercooked meat, particularly pork or water contaminated with tapeworm eggs or through poor hygiene practices.
One of the problems with Cister cirrhosis is that it doesn’t have standard symptoms as it depends upon the number and location of cysts involved, as well as an individual’s immune system response. When the condition leads to neurosis or cirrhosis, it causes headaches, seizures, nausea, dizziness, changes in vision and vomiting.
Humans who are infected with Tsollium tend to excrete feces containing tapeworm eggs, which fester in unsanitary areas. The parasites then enter the body of pigs, who usually feed from highly contaminated areas. The eggs also survive in cows.
The parasites survive in moist conditions in the animal’s body. The parasites eggs are hatched in the intestine before migrating to the muscle, where it develops in sister Syria and infest the body up to many years, the CDC recommends using a food thermometer to ensure different types of meat are cooked appropriately to kill the germs.
Apart from using clean utensils to prepare the meat, CDC also recommends one be careful about the foods or sauces that make contact with raw meat. Throw out marinades and sauces that have touched raw meat juices, which can spread germs to cooked foods. Use clean utensils and a clean plate to remove cooked meat from the grill, writes CDC.
Here are the CDC recommendations of the temperatures at which different types of meat should be cooked. Consumers can use a food thermometer to keep track of the temperature when smoking. Keep temperatures inside the smoker at 225 to 300 degrees to keep the meat at a safe temperature while it cooks. 145 degrees. Whole cuts of beef, pork, lamb and veal stand time of three minutes.
At this temperature, 145 degrees. Fish 160 degrees. Hamburgers and other ground beef 165 degrees. All poultry and precooked meats like hot dogs. What was the cause of this problem?
Learning about the path to neurocystrosis is not for the weak of stomach. It’s a cruddy calamity and nauseating as it is dangerous. The pork tapeworms tiny sodium typically tuck into human intestines, where they can grow to a shocking length of two to 8 meters. The worms victims, Meanwhile, expel parasitic eggs in their feces. If that egglayden excrement makes its way into an environment with pigs, the pigs can carry out the worm’s life cycle by ingesting the eggs in the pig’s stomach.
Gastric acid prompts the eggs to lose their protective coating and hatch into larval cysts called ankospheres. These can penetrate the intestinal wall and take a ride through the pigs body via the circulatory system. They eventually Burrow into the pigs muscles and lie in weight as sister Syria, which are typically not a bother for the pig.
But if a human ends up eating undercooked pork containing those larval cysts, the life cycle continues. In a human gastrointestinal tract, the worm emerges from its cystic form and sinks its hooks and for suckers into the human’s upper intestines.
There it can happily slurp away for years, growing its ribbon like body meters long and shedding more eggs, and the life cycle begins again. Things go sideways, however, when a human, not a pig, ends up eating the worm’s eggs. This can happen in nauseating scenario, in which someone infected with a tapeworm happens to have bad hygiene and also prepares food. In other words, a poopy handed tapeworm victim contaminates a meal. In this case, the eggs hatch in the human stomach, as they do in pigs.
The larval cysts can end up in a human’s muscles, but they can also migrate to the eyes and brain. This is a dead end for the worm and can develop into a big problem for the human. In a human brain, the cyst goes through four stages. At first, it quietly lies in weight, as a viable worm provoking little to no immune responses and thus no symptoms. This stage can last many years, but over time, the cyst degenerates and leaks fluid that alerts the immune system that a parasite is present, prompting a strong response.
The cyst degenerates further and forms a nodule in the brain. Finally, the nodule becomes a calcified granuloma. Seizures have been associated with the inflammatory responses linked to the latest stage. Calcification neurocystic cirrhosis is the most common parasitic infection of the human brain and can cause headaches, confusion, balance problems, seizures and even death. The disease is also the most common cause of acquired epilepsy.
It’s endemic in areas of Asia and Central America. Given all the medical information on the 38 year old patient and his history of living in rural Guatemala, the doctors determined that neurocystroso was the most likely cause of his abrupt seizures and brain lesions. After he was initially brought to the hospital, he was given multiple doses of an anti seizure medication, incubated, and transferred to the Neurosciences intensive care unit.
When he was stabilized and excavated, doctors began a treatment of two antiparasitic drugs and an antiinflammatory drug and a continued use of antiseizer medication. He was released from the hospital five days later with no remaining neurological symptoms or seizures.
Doctors followed up with him over the course of three years. Months after treatment, additional brain scans found that the swelling around the largest lesion in his right frontal lobe had gone down. He also remained seizure free, though he was still taking his anti seizure medication.
Because the calcified lesions will stay with him, it’s unclear if or when he can stop taking the medication. The World Health Organization has determined that processed meats such as bacon, Ham, hot dogs, sausage and some deli meats actually increase the risk of colorectal cancer the risk of swine flu.
This is more likely in people who have close contact with hogs, but can occur if the pork you’re eating is undercooked. Trichinolosis is very common in hogs and can certainly be transmitted to humans in undercooked meat. Some people even eat raw pork.
Pigs have or carry so many viruses or parasites that can harm humans, thus the caution to freeze the meat and or Cook until the internal temperatures reach 160 degrees Fahrenheit or higher. I believe pork production is often done in huge complexes where they are lucky to see the light of day, are fed feed laced with antibiotics and try to keep them alive and somewhat well.
Get the pounds packed on and are sent to slaughter. It’s estimated that up to 70% of these mass produced pigs have pneumonia when they go to slaughter. Not great odds. They also directly compete with humans and other animals for food. Sure, they mainly get field corn or silage or pig crumbles pelleted food, but it takes grains to do that.