While you might think that the donkey and the elephant are just logos used by Republican and Democratic officials, there have been animals elected to office in the United States. Have dogs been chosen to serve people in their community? Maybe voters have chosen a cat. Have you chosen the goat? Find out the answer to the question of which of these animals was elected to office in the United States before you swear that all politicians act like animals.
# 8 Animals Elected to Office: Mayor Bulldog Wilbur

While some Americans argue that politicians are constantly trying to buy their votes, voters in Rabbit Hash, Kentucky must buy their votes. Each vote costs $ 1 and you can vote as many times as you like. There is also no voter registration, so people anywhere in the world can vote for the mayor of that city. On November 3, 2020, Wilbur Bulldog became duly elected mayor of this community in Boone County. It was a tough competition for the young bulldog as he had to defeat the incumbent mayor of the pit bull named Mayor Brynn. The idea to elect animals as mayors of Rabbit Hash came from resident Don Clare during the county’s 200th anniversary celebration. The district served birthday cake to the mayors of all the communities in the district, and they had no one to represent them, so he hatched the idea of the mayor of animals. All of the money goes to support the local historical community, which has raised more than $ 23,000 to date.
Do you think a bulldog will make a good mayor?
# 7 Animals Elected to Office: Mayor Stubbs the Cat

Residents of Talkeetna, Alaska, first chose Stubbs the cat to serve their interests in 1997. He continued to hold this post until his death in 2017. During this time, he survived several assassination attempts, including one by a dog that left him. in the veterinary hospital for nine days. Stubbs has no tail; he was rescued by Lauri Stack, Nagley’s General Store manager, as a kitten. He continued to use the store as his city hall throughout his tenure. At the time of his death on July 21, 2017, he was 20 years and three months old. The Cat Stubbs had one major problem: Talkeetna was an unincorporated community, so there was no official city to chair. Voters didn’t let this get in their way because officials urged voters to write on his behalf in 2014 as their choice of the US Senate. These are the only choices the Cat Stubbs has ever lost in his life.
There are many different types of cats.
# 6 Animals Elected to Office: Mayor Bosco Dog

It is doubtful if Bosco the Dog ruled Sunol, California with an iron paw because he was so friendly. The residents of this East Bay community first chose the black laboratory in 1981, when a dog belonging to the Stillman family had to defeat two human opponents. Residents were in awe of his work ethic and the fact that he worked for dog treats from time to time because they continued to re-elect him until he died in 1994. The only problem the residents of the city faced with the friendly laboratory was that he was constantly roaming the city. therefore, a few black dogs in the city can name the former mayor as one of their ancestors. The residents of Sunol are so proud of what Bosco did in the office that they erected a life-size statue of him in front of the local post office.
Learning about dogs is fun.
# 5 Animals Elected to the Office: Boston Committee Member Curtis Mule

Boston Curtis Moole was elected as a committee member in 1938 to represent them on the city council. Boston Curtis even signed his nominating form with his hoof print as the laughing city officials gathered to cheer him up. When the mayor called for nominations for the position, Boston Curtis was the only candidate. Boston Curtis might want you to know he’s not an ass. This mule was a staunch Democrat owned by the mayor of the city. 51 Republicans unanimously elected Boston Curtis without even realizing they were voting for a mule. Its owner, a Democrat mayor, said he did so to prove the primary system was ineffective. He also said he wanted to prove to Republican voters that they didn’t know who they were voting for when they headed to the polling booth.
Learn more about mules so you can decide if they are good officials.
# 4 Animals Elected to the Position: Lincoln Goat

The Lincoln Goat was first elected by voters in Fair Haven, Vermont, in 1997. She is the first mayor of a city ever to occupy a city and proudly held that position until November 2020, when voters decided to replace her with Murphy, the Cavalier King Charles Spaniel. The chief of police also kept his German shepherd. The winner is the owner who raised the most money for a playground at the local school. While the Lincoln owner, a high school teacher, made money from selling T-shirts in the past, she sold $ 10,000 worth of masks this year. However, it wasn’t enough to keep Lincoln’s Goat in power, so she would retire to do goat yoga. Residents are unsure what they will do with the money now because the unincorporated village received a $ 50,000 grant to build a playground.
See if you think the goat will be a good leader or just eat paperwork.
# 3 Animals Elected to the Position: Clay Goat Henry IV

Some famili
, such as the Kennedy, Bushes, and Adams, have passed down political power from generation to generation. It is the same with Clay Henry IV Kozl, mayor of Lahitas, Texas, as he is the fourth generation in this position. Clay Henry I became the city’s first non-human candidate for election, but lost to a human candidate from Houston, Texas. Clay Henry I wasn’t going to give up. Four years later, he ran into the mayor. This time he won the elections, and since then his brainchild has won all elections. According to their owner, like many other people in office, these inhuman electoral candidates love to drink beer.
Interesting to know about goats, so take a look here.
# 2 Animals Elected to the Job: April Cow

Candidates on the list often find it difficult to win elections, but April Cow was able to become mayor of Eastsund, Washington. Fortunately, this job was not too difficult for her, because she spent most of the time in the pasture, chewing gum. Many were persuaded to write on her behalf after reading her touching letter published in a local newspaper. After serving one term, April Cow handed the title of mayor to the Portuguese water dog shortly before her death in 2012.
Learn more about cows.
# 1 Animals Elected to the Position: Sweet Pie Cat

267 residents of Omen, Michigan, elected Sweet Pie Cat as their mayor. It cost anyone to vote in this election $ 1. The City Historical Society raised $ 7,000 before ultimately declaring the multicolored cat the winner. Temperaments can flare up during village council meetings, as Pankin the Dog has been elected as one of the political animals representing humans and non-human inhabitants.
Learn more about cat breeds.
The answer to the question of which of these animals was elected to office in the United States is that voters chose dogs, cats, goats, and mules. Since most states and communities have official rules that a candidate must be of a certain age and sign their official name in order to be included on the ballot, most of these political animals perform ceremonial roles. These inhuman election candidates may be more useful than some human candidates. They have done a tremendous job of raising funds for nonprofits and bringing their communities together.
Next – 10 smartest dog breeds in the world