The alligator belongs to the crocodile family. The alligator is closely related to the crocodile. What distinguishes the former is its rounded wide muzzle and black color. In addition, with a tightly clenched jaw, only the upper teeth of the alligator can be seen. Plus, it’s unlikely you’ll ever meet an alligator and a crocodile in the same habitat. The alligator is one of the largest reptiles in the world. It’s amazing how big it gets.
9. The largest alligators: Alligator by Robert Ammerman.
Famed alligator hunter Robert Ammerman landed this alligator in December 2017. Just by looking at the alligator’s head, Ammerman knew everything he needed to know. The catch was so large that he could not load it into the boat. The only way to get it ashore is by towing it ashore. And this after the furious alligator dragged the boat for 45 minutes! There was another alligator in the area that may have been larger than Ammerman’s catch. Only no one was close to getting it.
The size: 14 feet 3.5 inches
Weight: 654 lbs
Year: 2017 Nov.
Where: Florida
# 8 Biggest Alligators: Tom Grant’s Alligator
Tom Grant is a renowned alligator researcher. In 2012, he and his team actually went all-in with an alligator that made it into the record books as one of the biggest. After a fight, they finally pulled the beast ashore. One of the hunters, Kenny Winter, said the alligator broke the boat’s winch. The venture took a total of one and a half hours. As a result, the team received a massive reptile with a 65-inch belly. This catch was definitely a godsend, as alligators of this length were not common in the Mississippi Delta.
The size: 13 feet 1.5 inches
Weight: 697.5 lbs
Year: 2012 r.
Where: Mississippi
# 7 Biggest Alligators: Alligator Blake Godwin and Lee Lightsey
This alligator has drawn attention by leaving the remains of missing livestock in the water around the area. They found him in a nearby cattle pond at Outwest Farms when Lee Lightsey spotted him. He owned property. Locals in Okeechobee, Florida, had to use a tractor to get the animal out of the water. Blake Godwin, one of Lightsey’s mentors, was there to take measurements. After he said, “It’s hard to believe that something this big exists in the wild.” Two hunters donated the meat to charity, and the rest of the carcass was hacked to death with effigies.
The size: 15 feet
Weight: 800 lbs
Year: 2016 Nov.
Where: Florida
# 6 Biggest Alligators: Big Tex
This alligator did have a name as it roamed Trinity River National Wildlife Refuge. Big Tex has clearly ceased to be afraid of people. This created serious problems among the population. Finally, he was removed from the lasso and relocated. The sanctuary scaled the creature, immediately calling Big Tex the largest alligator caught alive in Texas history. They moved Big Tex to a showroom in Gator Country. It has become a popular attraction at the adventure park / rescue center. One of his fellow habitats is Big Al, another giant that stands at 13 feet 4 inches and 1000 pounds.
The size: 13 feet 8.5 inches
Weight: 900 lbs
Year: 1996 year
Where: Texas
# 5 Biggest Alligators: Alligator Lane Stevens
A massive alligator roamed the area, which local homeowners described as an “inconvenience.” Local alligator hunter Lane Stevens decided to go after him. In that year alone, he legally caught over two dozen alligators, pulling four from over 11 feet. Stevens caught the alligator with a baited hook, tied it up, and ended the battle with a clean kill. In total, he and the alligator fought for three and a half hours. Everywhere he admired the size of the beast. Neighbors said it was big, but Stevens didn’t expect the alligator to be 14 feet long!
The size: 14 feet
Weight: About 1000 lbs
Year: 2012 r.
Where: Florida
# 4 Biggest Alligators: Apalachicola Giant
Corey Capps dreamed of destroying the alligator monster that haunts his home in Blountstown. One day he was sailing on a boat when he noticed an alligator on the shore. Capps contacted his buddy Rodney Smith. Smith had a legal label for stalking the animal. The next day they went out and drove the giant with a harpoon. On Jon’s boat, it took nearly four hours to move the alligator just 100 feet.
The size: 13 feet
Weight: 1008 lbs
Year: 2020 g.
Where: Florida
# 3 Biggest Alligators: Alligator Mandy Stokes
Currently, the Stokes alligator remains the largest proven alligator in the world. Mandy Stokes was a boar and deer hunter, but never planned to go one-on-one with an alligator. But one day, she and her family went on an alligator hunt.
On that fateful first trip, she caught this giant. Wearing perfume and pearls, Stokes had the courage to fight the alligator for almost a day.
The battle took place at a tributary of the Alabama River. The Stokes family was on a 17-foot aluminum ship. The battle lasted from night to morning. After setting the first hook, they struggled to keep the beast. It wasn’t until the next morning that Stokes received a clear shot.
The Stokes clan had to figure out how to reclaim the capture. It was not possible to get into the boat. The family eventually tied him to the body. Since the boat was on the verge of capsizing, everyone remained on the opposite gunwale, as sailors do to withstand a strong wind.
The animal broke the winch that the locals used to weigh the alligators. The Stokes alligator is on display in Camden at the Millers Ferry Powerhouse.
The size: 15 feet 9 inches
Weight: 1011.5 lbs
Year: 2014
Where: Alabama
# 2 Biggest Alligators: Alligator Skull
The alligator skull discovered in Florida probably belonged to one of the largest alligators in history. It remains one of the largest skulls found in the state. Using a skull length of 29 1/2 inches, the researchers were able to determine that the beast was 13 feet 10 inches. At the time, this placed the animal in the top five. It probably weighed 1043 pounds.
The size: 13 feet 10 inches
Weight: 1043 lbs
Year: 2020 g.
Where: Florida
# 1 Biggest Alligators: Mike Cottingham’s Alligator
While walking with a private hunting club, Mike Cottingham immediately recognized this large monster. The head itself weighed about 300 pounds. The reptile was so huge that five people had to lift it into the boat. After examining the alligator, a local herpetologist estimated it to be about 36 years old. The proud hunter said he was going to sit on his head and use the rest of the alligator to make himself a lovely pair of boots.
The size: 13 feet 3 inches
Weight: 1380 lbs
Year: 2012 r.
Where: Arkansas

Of course, there are legends about terribly huge alligators.
There is an unconfirmed story about how a trusted ecologist discovered the largest alligator of all time. If you do your search, you will stumble upon the story of an alligator that appeared at a height of 19 feet 2 inches.
Ned McIlhenney was the most famous (and one of the first) environmentalists at the time. He knew his Crocodylia.
In 1890, McIlhenney shot and killed a large alligator, dying of exposure. He measured the alligator using the barrel of his gun. He found that with a 30-inch barrel, the alligator was 19 feet 2 inches long.
But for reasons we’ll never know, McIlhenny did nothing but take the story with him. The scientific community accepted this story solely on the basis of McIlhenney’s reputation.
The McIlhenny family also have their fair share of alligator adventures. They say his uncle caught the biggest alligator of all time in 1886. To demonstrate the catch, John put the alligator on a ship bound for Philadelphia.
Unfortunately, during the voyage, the sailor doused the alligator’s head with paint. The creatures probably suffocated (not officially registered, but they died). The crew decided that traveling with a dead alligator was a waste of time. They threw him overboard.
In the 19th century, conductor Max Touchet allegedly grabbed a large alligator on Marsh Island in Louisiana. He and a colleague lassoed the animal and pulled it out of the alligator’s burrow. Unfortunately, they were several miles off the ground and could not budge the struggling beast. They killed him and skinned him. Then they returned the skin. After examining the skin, they determined that the alligator was 17 feet 10 inches in size and probably weighed about 1,000 pounds. And this is probably an inaccurate number, because the removed alligator skin shrinks!
In 2017, a Lochnes-type video taken at the Polk County Discovery Center in Florida appears to show a monstrous alligator. Conservationists and biologists believe the video is real, and the alligator is at least 14 feet long.
Another classic video featuring a giant alligator took place in the greenery of the Buffalo Creek Gold Club in Florida. He walked through the third pit, walking leisurely towards the lake. The animal was roughly estimated to be about 15 feet long, that is, weighed over 1,000 pounds.
Next: 10 largest dinosaurs in the world