Some animals living on Earth look so unusual that it is sometimes hard to believe that they really exist. An overview of these oddities of nature.
Cute, ugly or downright amazing, discover 6 of our best unusual animals: Mother Nature never ceases to amaze us!
1- Bat with red lips

This fish is one of the most unusual animals. He looks funny. This is Ogcocephalus Darwinism. He is indeed blessed with a bright red mouth. For this feature, he sometimes received the nickname “Mick Jagger” of the oceans. The exact purpose of this attribute is unknown. However, according to various hypotheses, her red lips could make it possible to recognize or attract a sexual partner. This fish lives mainly around the Galapagos Islands, at depths of up to 120 meters.
Its unusual shape makes it an awkward swimmer: it only swims short distances. The rest of the time it walks along the ocean floor thanks to its angular and articulated fins. He uses bait to attract his prey, such as small shrimps, small clams or even small fish. He has a small appendix under his nose, which he uses as a line to fish.
2- Indian purple frog

The Indian purple frog or Nasikabatrachus sahyadrensis is a relatively new amphibian animal.
For most of the year, it hides in the ground and emerges from the ground only to reproduce during the rainy season two weeks of the year.
3 – Pig-nosed turtle
More than 300 species of turtles are currently recorded on Earth. While many of them vary in size or shell, the pig-nosed turtle (Carettochelys insculpta) has a much more original characteristic.
As the name suggests, everything happens at the level of its prominent muzzle, which strongly resembles that of a pig. This freshwater animal’s nose allows it to spot small crustaceans that it feeds on in environments including China, Papua New Guinea and northern Australia.
4- Panda ant or “velvet ant”

It is not actually an ant. It is actually a wingless wasp from the Mutillidae family. They are associated with the red velvet wasps / tendrils of North America and are more commonly referred to as “cow killers”.
No, they don’t actually kill cows, but they have a terrible bite, some much worse than others.
Panda ants live alone, which means they don’t live in nests or communities. Females crawl and feed mainly on nectar, but sometimes they take advantage of smaller ants, caterpillars, or nymphs / larvae unattended. Males feed mainly on nectar.
4- Antelope giraffe
The giraffe antelope is distinguished by its long neck resembling that of a giraffe. She moves quickly with her neck extended forward.
She has a long neck like a giraffe, she has large ears, very thin legs, a long tail from 20 to 35 cm.
Giraffe gazelles have slender long legs that allow them, when standing on two legs, to be almost as tall as a giraffe and catch vegetation high.
Gazelle giraffe is also called Waller’s gazelle.
Waller’s gazelle is a sociable and herd animal. She lives in a group of several gazelles, consisting of young females.
Young unmarried males live in separate groups and approach females only during the mating season.
5- Unusual monkey: Stryker’s rhinopithecus
This primate, which lives in Burma, is distinguished by the absence of a nose. This makes him very sensitive to bad weather, especially on rainy days, causing him to sneeze unintentionally.
When it rains heavily, he crouches down and buries his nose in the fur on his knees, waiting for the downpour to end.
6- Star-bearing Condilura
Strange, did you say strange? In the category of “amazing animals”, the star condylure undoubtedly occupies a special place.
This North American mole has a truly amazing nose, consisting of 22 epidermal processes, hairless and pink, unmistakably reminiscent of the tentacles of a mollusc such as octopus or squid. It was these 22 star-shaped processes that gave it its name: the stellar condyle or star-bearing mole.
Like all moles, she is practically blind. But this does not prevent it from being the fastest mammal in the world, which detects and eats its prey; and also one of the few who can smell their prey … underwater.
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