For immediate release:
Jul 23, 2021
Megan Wiltsie 202-483-7382
Chico, California. “As the Dixie fire continues to threaten the Butte and Plumas County areas, as well as the evacuation order, the animals must be kept indoors and will die if abandoned. This information will undoubtedly save the lives of many animals and help avoid human remorse.
Residents in areas prone to smoke and falling ash should keep animals indoorsand avoid all outdoor activities such as running with dogs. If visibility is less than 5 miles, smoke degrades air quality and reaches dangerous levels. Anyone who sees animals in distress and cannot help should note their whereabouts and alert authorities immediately.
Trapped horses and other animals cannot escape forest fires. They should never be locked in stalls or restrained in any way to prevent them from escaping.
Animals should never be left behind… Anyone who evacuates and deliberately leaves animals to take care of themselves can be held accountable.
PETA releasedpublic fire preparedness service announcementwith Dean Winters… This will remind everyone to take care of the safety of companion animals in advance so that they are not caught off guard. PETA also invites you to share a video on how to keep companion animals safe during fires. For more information visit PETA.orgor subscribe to the group on Twitter, Facebook, orInstagram…