Vanderbilt University is considered a prestigious educational institution. But now PETA has uncovered documents revealing horrific violations, suffering and death. This dark side of Vanderbilt is hidden from the public as well as from most students and teachers. IN Vanderbilt University Medical Center and the school itself are Tennessee’s largest breeding grounds for crude, painful, and useless animal experimentation. In fact, Wandy is considered one of the most prolific animal tormentors in laboratories across the country.
Recent reports documenting violations of federal animal welfare rules and regulations paint a grim picture of animal suffering in Vanderbilt.
Earlier this year, the university was cited by the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) after four guinea pigs died of pain and distress when they were used in experiments in which they were pushed through a tube. The lead experimenter did not even have a veterinarian as required, and it was later determined that the guinea pigs were not fully anesthetized – they probably felt it all. The experimenter tried to hide these problems, but it turned out.
Last year, the USDA quoted Vanderbilt after it was discovered that six rabbits were in pain and suffering after an experimenter injected the drug under study into their eyes. The eyes of the rabbits were red and swollen, and some of the animals could not even open them.
Previous violations at Vandy include these.
- Many experimenters have failed to get approval from the school committee for the oversight of animal experiments before conducting invasive and painful animal experiments.
- In one case, the experimenter deviated from an approved gerbil anesthesia protocol, resulting in the death of several animals.
- In another experiment, the experimenter used more pigs in the experiment than were approved.
- On the numerous cases in Vanderbilt laboratories, mice died of hunger or dehydration after laboratory personnel did not provide them with food or water.
- The school’s experimenters subjected the animals to painful procedures, including invasive surgeries, but then failed to do the following:
- Provide animals with postoperative analgesia according to approved protocols.
- Make sure the pain relievers have not expired.
Further evidence of animal suffering at Vanderbilt
Neglect, incompetence, and a culture of neglect have resulted in almost unimaginable suffering and suffering for the animals trapped in Vanderbilt’s laboratories.
In 2020 alone – the year the university received more than $ 377 million from the National Institutes of Health (NIH), about half of which went to fund or conduct cruel and deadly animal experiments – the school confined these animals in its laboratories. :
- Dozens of dogs, rabbits and monkeys
- Hundreds of gerbils
- Countless mice and rats
School Has been repeatedly fined by the USDA
In 2007, the school was fined $ 7,218.75 for, among other things, refusing to water a squirrel monkey named Lil Wayne, who later died of dehydration. The water was cut off for the monkey enclosures, but no one checked the animals for several days.
In 2008, the school was fined $ 8,156 after a galago monkey was scalded to death when its cage was passed through a high-temperature mechanical cage washer while it was still inside.
What You Can Do For Animals At Vanderbilt Labs And Other Schools
The animals used in the experiments suffer terribly, and the results of the archaic and cruel animal tests conducted at Vanderbilt (or somewhere else) do not help anyone.
We must go to a better path: We need lawmakers to understand how much money the NIH is currently spending. Please send your members of Congress a polite email urging the NIH to stop wasting tax dollars on cruel and useless animal experiments and instead focus on modern. non-animal research methods.
Ask Legislators To Support PETA’s Research Modernization Deal