PETA insisted on the good, investigated and exposed the bad, and now a landmark law has been passed! Gov. Gavin Newsom just signed California Assembly Act 1282, meaning the Golden State waived its disastrous requirement that blood and other transfusion products must be obtained from dogs kept in captivity and stored in “blood banks.” So far it has been Only state that required blood sold for veterinary transfusions to come from hellish holes such as Hemopet, a bogus greyhound rescue in Garden Grove, California, where PETA documented workers taking such massive amounts of blood from dogs so often that experts agreed that it was potentially dangerous.
Huge victory! 🎉
Thanks to PETA supporters, @socialcompassio and others, California will officially allow community-based canine blood banks where healthy dogs can be vital, then return home to their loving families. pic.twitter.com/YDrD6ePdAH
– MAP (@map) October 10, 2021
PETA’s investigation into Hemopet and another blood bank that kept greyhounds in inhuman conditions revealed a violent and secretive industry in which dogs were kept in cages, sometimes for life, and we have raised awareness of the number of veterinary clinics that help save lives and injured dogs. working with dog guardians who voluntarily donate their large, calm, healthy dogs for blood sampling.
PETA’s videos of the Pet Blood Bank (a blood farm in Texas that, following our exposure, shut down and donated 151 greyhounds to adoption programs) and Hemopet (see above) demonstrated the systemic suffering of dogs stored for blood. Through our work, we have opened our eyes to candid reports about this hidden industry. Washington Post, then Los angeles timesand many other media and paved the way for this revolutionary victory.
“There was applause at PETA today when it became known that California is finally shutting down ghastly facilities like Hemopet,” PETA Senior Vice President of Atrocity Investigation Daphne Nachminovic said in response to the new law.
This historic triumph also comes from our members and supporters, who, in response to warnings about PETA’s actions, have called on their state legislators to allow new local blood banks to open and collect blood from animals that live comfortably in homes with their guardians; certificates of own veterinarians; and the hard work of Social Compassion in Law, the vanguard championing historical animal law.
“Thanks to Governor Newsom and the California State Legislature, California may soon be welcoming public blood banks where healthy dogs can save the lives of others and then return home to their loving families,” Nakhminovich said.
Thanks to everyone who used their voice to help make this epic animal victory possible!
Take Action: Dogs Still Go to Jail for Blood
While the National Greyhound Association (NGA) claims to have banned its members directly By sending greyhounds to any blood bank operation, PETA has revealed how the participants apparently can still send dogs on bogus “rescue operations” like Hemopet. Join us and demand that the NGA take immediate and decisive action to exclude all operations in which dogs are held in captivity due to their blood from its list of eligible subjects:
Stand up for dogs who are still being forced to pay rent in blood
Are you a dog guardian? Please reassure your veterinarian not to buy blood from captive dogs, but only from dogs that live the way they all should – in homes with loving families.
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