For immediate release:
September 29, 2021
Megan Wiltsie 202-483-7382
Wallingford, Connecticut. “To celebrate the beginning of fall, PETA searched the country for the finest and heartiest vegan chili dishes, and Arles & Boggs Vegan Eatery ranked on the list for its chili, made from three beans and spiced chipotle. and topped with dairy-free sour cream with garlic, fresh pico de gallo, a slice of lime and crispy tortilla chips.
“Chili peppers are the perfect comfort food, and this smoky, spicy bowl evokes the comforting thought that no animal was harmed in the process,” says PETA President Ingrid Newkirk. “PETA notes that Arles & Boggs is helping people eat their favorite foods without cruelty and cholesterol.”
PETA, whose motto is in part that “animals are not ours to eat,” notes that sales of vegan meat in 2020 are up 148% from the previous year and that 47% of Americans want to include more vegan foods in their diets. 2021 g.
Other winners include Plant Bae of Montgomery, Alabama; Social Vegan in Lexington, Kentucky; Leaf & Bean House in Jacksonville, Florida; The Grit in Athens, Georgia; and Ben’s Chili Bowl in Washington DC. Each establishment will receive a framed certificate from PETA, which offers many vegan chili recipes on its website.
For more information please visit PETA.org or subscribe to the group on Twitter, Facebook, or Instagram…
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