Following complaints from PETA, the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) inspected the infamous roadside zoo. Walnut prairie Wild side three times and hit the owner, Thomas Edmonds, with license suspension for 21 days due to a number of references to the Federal Animal Protection Act (AWA). Edmonds is King of tigers a wannabe, not understanding what he is doing, and the animals in Walnut Prairie are suffering from his ignorance. PETA will push for the closure of this seedy backyard menagerie, and you can join our efforts.
Issues documented in USDA inspection reports of March 10, April 29, and June 3 include Edmonds’ refusal to receive veterinary care for these animals:
- Very skinny and dehydrated cougar
- A possum whose ears were covered with a crust for almost a year
- Two sick monkeys who later died of unknown causes without being seen by a veterinarian
Moreover, Edmonds did not have a formal agreement with a treating veterinarian, a written veterinary care program and, in the words of one inspector, “any recognized training with tigers.”
The obese two tigers – who were suffocating after taking just a few steps – along with photographs of a Walnut Prairie Wildside volunteer feeding a boiled egg to the tiger, said the inspector, said the inspector. from her mouth and a tiger licking the top of another volunteer’s head emphasized “the lack of experience and knowledge about this dangerous animal among all participants.”
Walnut Prairie Wildside has also received an AWA award for the following actions:
- Let the kid stick their fingers in the cougar’s cage
- Let the rampant snow macaque climb people to their knees and sit on children’s shoulders.
- Failure to provide animals with adequate shelter, water, clean enclosures and enrichment facilities.
What you can do for the animals in Walnut Prairie Wildside
Edmonds’ attitude towards animals as toys for fun and profit is a manifestation of arrogance – the belief that humans are inherently superior to other animals. Convince him to do the right thing by sending the animals to Walnut Prairie Wildside to reputable institutions before anyone is crippled or another animal dies.
Take action now!