Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW) is considering proposed rules CR-101 and CR-102 to kill the majestic black bears again in the spring.
Black bears are especially vulnerable in the spring, when they are desperately looking for food after a long hibernation, and mothers are caring for their cubs, and Washington is one of eight states where slaughter is still allowed during this critical period. Wild families will be torn apart, and orphaned cubs will remain hungry. In addition, it has been proven that hunting ineffective at “managing” wild populations…
Please send an email to WDFW at [email protected] and let you know confront any rules allowing spring bear hunting! Comments on this proposed rule will be accepted until October 21st. If you can, please also register for the WDFW on October 22nd and 23rd. public online forumduring which you can oppose this carnage.
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