You might think that the sperm whale gets its name from the shape of its body or a mating habit, but the truth is that sperm whales are named after something whole different. The name “sperm whale” comes from the substance found in an organ in the head of the whale that is full of spermaceti oil. This oil has a white semi-liquid appearance and early whalers in the early 19e century believed it was the whale’s stockpile of sperm. They were incorrect, but the name stuck.
Why do sperm whales have spermaceti oil?
Sperm whales are the largest of the toothed whales. They can grow up to 52 feet tall and weigh up to 90,000 pounds. Scientists still don’t know why they have a “head full of oil,” but have a few speculations. The spermaceti organ is huge and is located in the top half of the whale’s head and extends back to almost half of the whale’s body and occupies 40% of its body. This organ contains 530 gallons of spermaceti oil! Think of a funfair dunk tank, which usually holds 500 gallons of water, comparable to the amount of oil present in the sperm whale!
So why do sperm whales have so much spermaceti oil? There are two hypotheses that can work together. The first idea is that it is used in the same way as a melon in dolphins, used to transmit and focus sound. Toothed whales, unlike baleen whales, use echolocation as a tool to locate prey, evade predators, and navigate. They emit sounds or clicks and then wait for the sound to bounce off objects and return a sound wave.
Another theory about the purpose of the giant vat of spermaceti oil is that it is used as a buoyancy system that helps the whales dive deep and return to the surface. Sperm whales are some of the deepest-diving animals in the world and can routinely dive from 3,000 feet. The purpose of these dives is to find food and their favorite foods, the giant squid. sperm whales are mammals and therefore breathe air; they have no gills, so they have to return to the surface of the ocean to get air. So how can they dive so deep? They have large lungs that can hold enough oxygen for a 90 minute dive!
What did whalers use spermaceti oil for?
The value in the spermaceti oil was that when cooled it made a waxy substance that could be used in a variety of products. It was originally valued for being thin and able to withstand pressure and temperatures, making it an ideal fabric for making candles. Whalers sold it for use as lighting in oil lamps and as a lubricant, and later for use in making cosmetics, detergents and soaps. During the Industrial Revolution, many of the machines needed lubricants to keep things running smoothly and the whale oil provided exactly what they needed for this.
Why don’t we change the sperm whale’s name now that we know?
There are all kinds of animals that have been misnamed and few lawyers fight on their behalf. Think of the sperm whale’s cousin, the killer whale. orcas are actually part of the dolphin family and may not appreciate their aggressive namesake. The whale shark is actually a shark, not a whale and can be angry because he always has to explain that. For now, the sperm whale name will have to make do with its namesake.
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