The axolotl (pronounced ax-oh-lot-ul, after the Aztec god of fire, lightning, and death) is a bit of an ecological quirk. Native to the freshwater rivers and lakes in the middle of Mexico City, this unusual salamanders are extraordinary in more ways than one. When threatened by predators, they can change color slightly to blend in with the environment.
In addition, unlike many others amphibiansthey undergo a process of incomplete metamorphosis in which they retain youthful features such as fins, webbed feet, and gills (the feather-like stems on the head) into adulthood. The technical term for this is neoteny. It allows them to maintain an underwater lifestyle in the water long after their juvenile stage is complete (although they have lungs and gills to breathe air in). But perhaps their most unusual and fascinating feature is that they have the ability to regenerate entire limbs, lungs, hearts, spines and parts of the brain while maintaining all of their normal functions. It is estimated that these highly resilient animals are a thousand times more resistant to cancer than an average mammal.
The species is relatively young, in geological terms, having evolved from the closely related species only in the last 10,000 years or so tiger salamander from America. Unfortunately, the damaging effects of habitat loss, poaching and pollution (to which it is particularly susceptible) have driven this species near extinction; it is classified as critically endangered By the IUCN Red List. The axolotl has also spread around the world as a pet and laboratory animal (as scientists are interested in their unusual properties). Unfortunately, due to their rarity, we don’t know much about the axolotl’s natural ecology or habits in the wild, but their diet has been studied in great detail. This article is about what they eat, how they get their food and how to feed them as pets.
What does the Axolotl eat?
The axolotl is a carnivorous predator. It eats a mixture of insect larvae (such as mosquitoes), worms, snails and other mollusks, tadpoles and small fish in the wild. Their diet seems to be particularly heavy on worms, but they aren’t exactly picky about what kind of food they consume. These generalists eat just about any kind of animal that can fit in their mouths. They have even been observed to engage in cannibalism, sometimes biting off parts of their own siblings when no other food is available. This has been suggested as one of the reasons for its amazing regenerative abilities. As carnivores, however, they do not eat any plant matter at all.
What do Axolotls eat as pets versus in the wild?
If you have an axolotl as a pet, most experts will recommend that you try to mimic the natural diet as much as possible. It is usually fueled by a combination of: earthworms, bloodworms, brine shrimp, and daphnia (a small aquatic crustacean). They also seem to enjoy lean cuts of beef and chicken. However, avoid the temptation to give them too much live food, which can accidentally spread parasites and diseases. Instead, freeze-dried foods or pellets generally work better. Make sure the substrate is made up of very small gravel or rocks, safe enough to eat, as the axolotl will usually ingest them as well. Larger pebbles and rocks can be hazardous to health.
A scientific study sought to answer the question of whether a juvenile axolotl does best with a diet high in bloodworms, high in daphnia, or a mixed diet with equal amounts between the two. The results of the study seemed to suggest that the juvenile grew fastest with an invariable diet rich in bloodworms. This seemed to yield better results than a diet high in daphnia. A mixed diet of both bloodworms and daphnia seemed to yield mixed results — better than a diet containing only daphnia, but worse than the bloodworms. While this study didn’t really provide nutritional advice, it does suggest that a diet high in bloodworms may be optimal for supporting a growing boy.
The amount of feed also changes naturally during the life of the animals. Baby axolotls need to be fed daily to support their growth and development. Adult axolotls need to eat less often, perhaps one or two servings every other day. They can even go up to two weeks without food (although this should not be attempted at home). It’s actually a bigger problem if you accidentally overfeed your axolotl as it can lead to constipation and gastrointestinal blockages.
How does the Axolotl eat food?
In the wild, the axolotl has the ability to easily find food along the muddy bottom of the lake or river with its surprisingly good sense of smell. Once it has found suitable underwater prey, it will suck the food into its mouth with a strong vacuum force. Gravel is often inhaled at the same time. This will help grind food in his stomach for easier digestion. Their actual teeth are small and vestigial (meaning they are greatly reduced in size and no longer serve the same purpose).
Axolotls spend most of their hunt at night and then hide among aquatic vegetation and mud along the bottom to avoid being eaten during the day. Some of their most common predators are storks, heronsand big fish. The axolotl once had very few natural predators in the wild, but the introduction of new fish species (such as Asian carp and African tilapia) for aquaculture purposes, as well as poaching from people, contributed to their sharp decline. Many of these fish feed on young axolotl as well as the axolotl’s main food sources. Attempts to remove these fish from the water can have beneficial effects on the number of axolotl populations.
A Complete List of the Top 6 Foods the Axolotl Eats
The axolotl feeds on a wide variety
different underwater prey, including:
Next one: How do butterflies eat?
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