Have you ever wondered what a baby goat is called? What about why they have oddly shaped eyes? We’ve got all the answers (and more!) you might need to know about goat babies.
Let’s start by discovering what a baby is goat is mentioned and then get into 5 interesting facts and cute pictures!
#1: Baby Goats Are Called Children

A baby goat is called a child! A group of children is called a tribe or herd of children.
Did you know that the act of a mother goat giving birth is called a joke?
What about the fact that the goat is the only baby in the animal kingdom called a child? That’s if you don’t count human babies of course!
#2: Goats are born with rectangular pupils

Children are certainly not known as predators in the animal kingdom. Consequently, they evolved to have incredible peripheral vision to avoid becoming prey!
Baby goats are born with rectangular pupils. This allows them to see a wider range of their surroundings, making them safer. Goats can also see extremely well in the dark, as their oddly shaped pupils let in a lot of light.
In addition to increasing their peripheral vision, these rectangular pupils also allow children to see in multiple directions at once. This means that when a threat is near, this cute mammals can see it coming much faster than animals that don’t have this ability. This is a great example of how evolution helps animals survive!
#3: Goat kids have stomachs with four chambers

herbivores have a diet consisting mainly of plants and grass. However, this can make it difficult for baby goats to get the nutrition they need. Consequently, they are born with stomachs with four chambers.
These chambers should allow them to extract all possible energy and nutrients from the food they eat without chewing it completely. Once the food is chewed halfway through, they swallow it. Then microorganisms in their chambered stomachs do the rest of the hard work. While their bellies are hard at work, they are busy finding more grass to graze on.
#4: Goats can pick up an accent

The calls a goat makes are called bleating. Like a human baby, goat children let you know when they need something through their voices. Another thing goat babies have in common with us is the fact that they can have regional accents. Goat children can sometimes even be recognized by the sound of their bleating.
#5: Baby goats can stand at birth

Goats are born fully developed. Assuming the mother goat and baby are healthy, the newborn can usually walk right away or within a few minutes of birth. Children are crazy, playful animals.
Goat children also learn to run quickly. By the time they are about a year old, they are coordinated enough to start running, jumping and playing with the other babies in their flock.
Some of their favorite activities include running and jumping off rocks, hills and even hay bales! Goat children also enjoy playing with other babies in their family, and can often be seen running and romping with other baby goats.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
How much do baby goats weigh?
The weight of baby goats can range from 4 to 12 pounds at birth. By the time they are two months old, they weigh 30 to 50 pounds! Full grown female goats, or nannies, will weigh about 110 to 180 pounds. But an adult male goat, or a buck, will reach anywhere from 140 to 200 pounds.
What do baby goats eat?
Goats are mammals, which means that their young are fed by breast milk from their mother. Baby goats suckle from the time they are born until they are about two and a half months old. Goats are also herbivores, so they don’t eat plants and vegetation until they are fully weaned. However, around 2 to 3 weeks of age, they begin to graze lightly in the grass with their flock.
How are baby goats born?
If a goat is raised on a farm or in the household, it will almost always choose to give birth in a sheltered, dry environment. The first 24 hours after a child is born are critical to their survival. This means that mother goats should choose a safe, protected area to give their baby the best chance of survival. Most female goats have about 2 children a year, although twins and even triplets are common. A babysitter can give birth to up to 6 babies at once!
What are baby goats called?
Baby goats are called children. Fun fact: They were called children way before human children were called that. They are also the only animal on Earth with this title as a baby. Talk about unique!