Five year old tells mom he has an identical twin. When mom saw his photo, she was shocked. We are identical and look the same, a five year old boy claimed on Twin day at school. The feeling of a small child was, while rejecting racial discrimination, presented a beautiful picture of human Brotherhood. The mother, Brittany Tankersley, turned to Facebook to share this adorable photo.
When her son Miles insisted to dressing like his friend Tanner for Twin day at school, Miles says, we look the same. We have the same eye color and same eyebrows. Brittany Tankersley’s instant response was annoyance when her son Miles told her of that last plan to match with a schoolmate for his school’s twin Day. It was 08:00 p.m.. She had no idea who the classmate was or how to reach his mother, yet neither boy had matching outfits.
After 1 hour, Tankersley was able to get in touch with Tanner’s mom. After checking social media and sending messages, Tanner’s mother informed Tankersley with Tanner’s outfit size. At 09:00 p.m. Tankersley went to Walmart and Foley to have the boys matching clothing for Twin Day and purchased two Future Leader buttons down from Walmart near their town in Alabama, which she described as the only decent shirts remaining in their sizes. In an interview with Today, Tankersley said he went on and on about how identical they both looked.
We both have Brown eyes, we both have dark hair, he said simply. So I go to Walmart and I’m frustrated. It’s too late. I’m thinking I’m really ahead of my time. She asked his teacher whether she could send a snapshot of Miles and his twin when she dropped Miles off kindergarten that morning.
She wanted to see the resemblance. That who she never had met before. Miles insisted that they were the same person, and she wanted to see for herself. She was awestruck by the image that she received from the teacher when Tankersley explained, I was literally crying because it was so nice. I’m well aware that they don’t resemble each other at all, but you know, he didn’t notice it.
I expected to receive a photo of another white boy with pale complexion and Brown hair or something similar, but I didn’t. That is the sweetest thing in the entire world, I said. Mrs. Tankersley posted the photo to her personal Facebook page, where it went viral quickly. It had been shared 2000 times.
As of Saturday afternoon, she exclaimed, It’s crazy. My objective is never to be in the spotlight, but I believe the message is more important than the size of the explosion. According to Tankersley, Miles and Tanner are now the best buddies. The two families have been able to spend time together since the Twin day because they live just a few minutes apart on the twins day. All the teachers at school is excited, she added.
There are always a lot of kids dressed up who don’t look alike, but this was unique. I was put in my place since I was expecting something completely different, which isn’t really the case. Everything in the universe has similarities foremost being a man and the emotions associated with man. This is the only thing you will see in this story. The emotions of a five year old child that gives today’s society a beautiful view of humanity.
Children have the same heart and love unconditionally. We’ve taught children that they do not know how to be prejudiced. Imagine how much better the world would be for everyone if we all fought like this. Boy. I believe this is the loveliest tale I’ve ever heard in a long time and it’s still lovely.
I wish everyone could have the same eyes, mind and heart as those little boys. Color doesn’t matter. In the eyes of the Creator, we’re all the same. This blooming friendship is so sweet that they don’t notice color and I hope they will know each other for the rest of their lives. However, in the quest to make things better, humanity has suffered a major setback to feed the thirst of materialism.
Ethics are sometimes neglected. Humanity is an important part of life that teaches us to help others, to try to understand others and to see people’s problems with our own eyes in order to assist them expressing humanity. It is not needed to be wealthy to convey humanity. Even a poor individual can do so by supporting others or sharing his or her food. For example, humans aren’t flawless creatures.
People make errors, become distracted, lose concentration, miscalculate, make poor decisions and have slow reflexes. When humans make mistakes, however, they also realize their flaws, work to correct them and pledge to never make the same mistakes again. In this new world and new generation, the Miles has set up an example for those who believe in color and race. He told us that friendship never shows how our friend is looked like, what color he is, what his cast is. This is called a true friendship in humanity and it is the result of a positive change and positive attitude towards how your parents train you.
If Tankersley had not been a good mother, she would have stopped her son so that he could be a good human. Recreational reflects a man’s mental slavery and inferiority complex. Weak ideas give birth to a weak society and a society under the influence of weak people can never grow positively. Society name of a mob, but of a group of individuals where people of all kinds, people of all colors and races live together. Everyone is connected to other human beings and each other’s needs are taken care of.
Society together takes the form of a nation. If people are divided into tribes and races, they can never be a nation because they have an ideology. Man is basically born free. He has full freedom to do as he pleases. He can live as he pleases.
If he is deprived of basic rights due to racism, then a society will be paralyzed. Where a man was born, in what color he was born and in what environment he was born has nothing to do with it. This is a decision of nature, but his training and education is the responsibility of parents and the people around him. Man learns mostly from his environment. Parents breed, teachers make society spoils.
Here. Trying to optimize mental growing as a disease makes a person unable to walk in the same way. A sick mind cripples the very existence of society. Respect is the mother of all relationships and without it a man is poor, even the billionaire. I think education like a second mother.
Educate yourself, your children and your society so that you can move towards betterment choose right direction for enable the society, then we can generate possibility. Parents breed, teachers make society build. In this story, an innocent five year old child has given a beautiful lesson to those who point fingers at the reality of the universe, which has given them a beautiful way to live. Because if each other’s rights are constantly violated by racial and ethnic discrimination, there may be a reaction somewhere that can paralyze a healthy society. Brotherhood is the backbone of any nation’s well being and development.
Man is the medicine of another human being. In the story, the baby’s mother, Brittany Tankersley, did not expect this from her son. But when Miles mother saw a black baby with her son in the picture, she could not control her emotions. She learned a big and beautiful lesson which she could not forget even if she wanted to. With mixed feelings of happiness and pride, she uploaded this photo on social media and in a very short time this photo had taken 200,000 shares.
Not only did he like the picture, but he also conveyed the message to other people and showed that he himself really wants to have an environment and interact with people where love and Brotherhood go hand in hand. This act of childlessness has stirred the emotions of many people who had not thought of it before.
They may have wanted to live together like this, but they could not cross the invisible line, which is a small one. Baby Miles did it, and that’s why not only her mother, but also her teachers looked very happy and excited. Human connections are an integral part of a happy and fulfilled life.
How we come together as humans plays a huge part in our mental health and sense of well being. From short term interactions to long term relationships, friendship is about enjoying wonderful times with people you care about while also receiving much needed support when things get tough.
Friendship is more vital than ever in today’s uncertain and often stressful environment. Complex feedback networks involving biological and psychological systems are directly engaged in the relationships between physical, mental, and emotional health. Friendship, it turns out, encourages physical activity, memory creation, cognitive ability, and general sentiments of wellbeing, which helps many of these networks thrive.
According to a Harvard study, social bonds and brain health are linked as people age, with healthy brain function linked to enhance emotional resilience and less stress. Friendships are important for all people in every life situation. While relationships are often seen as a reward during the good times, social support systems are even more important when times are tough.
There’s no question that the US is becoming more racially and ethnically diverse. Still, the survey finds that relatively few adults say they have a lot in common with those who don’t share their own racial background.