Woman visits her husband and daughter’s graves every day. One day she notices a shocking detail. You may experience waves of intense and very difficult emotions, ranging from profound sadness, emptiness and despair to shock, numbness guilt or regret you might rage at the circumstances of your loved one’s death. Your anger focused on yourself, doctors, other loved ones or god. Profound grief can change a person’s psychology and personality forever.
The initial changes that occur immediately after suffering a significant loss may go unnoticed for several weeks or months after the death of a loved one or other traumatic experience. After a major loss, you may feel insecure and unsure about yourself. Maintaining relationships may be a struggle at this time. You may have a difficult time making decisions paying attention to what others are saying or taking care of your personal responsibilities. One day a bereaved woman visited her husband’s grave and found a young boy crying.
Eventually, the boy turned out to be the key to her finding happiness again find out how losing her husband and only child at the same time was a big blow for nancy. They’D been the perfect family before the cold hands of death, took them away from her. Every night. Nancy had nightmares of that fateful day when her husband, kevin 34 and their daughter, bethany four died. It began like any other day.
Kevin wanted to go and watch the local soccer teams, football game at the township stadium and bethany, who developed a soft spot for the sport, wanted to tag along kevin and nancy agreed that their daughter should go. Nancy would have gone with them, but needed to finish a dress. She was making for a customer bethany make sure you take care of daddy nancy said as she bade her daughter goodbye. She kissed kevin on the cheek and hugged him warmly before saying goodbye to him. He started the car engine and wound down the passenger window, so bethany could say her special goodbye to her mom, bye, mom.
Don’T miss me and daddy much we’ll be back soon. I love you said the sweet bethany and her dad drove off many hours after the game ended nancy. Still, hadn’t heard a word from her husband and daughter. Later she got a call from the hospital kevin and bethany had been involved in an accident and were in the intensive care unit with her heart racing nancy drove to the hospital in her sedan. When she got there, the doctor broke the sad news that her husband and daughter had died.
Nancy couldn’t hold back the tears she heard. Kevin and bethany were hit by a speeding vehicle while driving to the stadium the collision, forced them into a fence that fell on their car, fatally wounding them. The driver of the vehicle that collided with kevin and bethany was arrested, but nancy didn’t even want to see him all she wanted was to have her husband and daughter back. However, that was not to be after kevin and bethany’s. Funeral nancy visited their graves frequently to talk to them.
She missed them so much and had nightmares of their accident every night she spoke to a therapist about her nightmares and was told she was still struggling with her grief and needed to come out of it. I wish it would all stop nancy said i don’t know how long i can cope with this nancy’s nightmares continued and she eventually found a way to live with them. Gradually she began to pick up the pieces of her life one night. She was sleeping when she had another nightmare. This time, bethenny and kevin called out to her and asked her to come to the cemetery where they were buried, nancy jumped out of her bed and washed her face.
It was 3am, but she didn’t care about that. She drove to the cemetery and ran to her late husband and daughter’s graves daddy and bethany. What’S the matter, i can hear your cries and i have come nancy said panting, while at kevin and bethany’s graves she heard the sound of a child crying and followed the sound to know who or what it was nancy was scared but walked in the direction. The sound was coming from until she saw a young boy who looked like a ten-year-old. She walked up to him and held his hand, nancy dried, the boy’s, tears and asked him why he was sobbing and alone at the cemetery at that time.
I’M crying because my mom is late and my stepfather kicked me out. The boy said my name’s oliver, my father died in the military service. Also, my grandparents are dead. He revealed while struggling to hold back his tears. The boy revealed his stepfather had been mean to him since his mom died and eventually sent him away two nights before i had no place to go so i came here to be with my mom since she was buried here.
Oliver said oliver pleaded with nancy not to tell the police about him. She hugged him and drove him to her house where she cooked him. A delicious meal after eating oliver slept peacefully. Nancy was thinking about oliver, while she dozed off when she woke up the following day. She saw that he had cleaned the house and was seated quietly in the living room.
She loved that about him and made breakfast for them to eat. However, she knew she couldn’t keep him because of the circumstances surrounding how she discovered him. Nancy called the police to report oliver’s stepdad. She also contacted social services about the boy and they came and took him away when oliver was leaving. He felt sad and looked longingly at nancy after he left she continued thinking about him.
One day she visited him at the foster care where he was taken to. Oliver was delighted when he saw nancy look. My mom is here. He screamed when nancy heard this. She cried, then she understood she had to become oliver’s, foster mom and took the necessary steps to adopt him.
The adoption process went well and oliver became her son. They shared a close bond and always spent time together, nancy loved oliver so much and was always there for him through him. She found happiness again and never had nightmares. One day she visited bethenny in kevin’s graves. Thank you, daddy and bethany for bringing oliver to me.
He’S the best gift ever she admitted nancy, never remarried, but raised oliver and remained in his life as his mother until she died. Nancy was within her rights to not help oliver when she saw him at the cemetery, but she chose to do so anyway. By helping him, she became happy again and found a purpose to live. Oliver’S stepfather chased him out of the house, despite the poor child being unable to fend for himself. Parents and guardians must take care of their kids and ensure they’re well taken care of.
Sometimes, i think, about life in the following way. I had a prior life totally different from what i experienced today. I was very well behaved generous and thoughtful, so god decided to send me to heaven and that’s where i am now. Heaven is a fascinating and challenging place. Yes, it is hard, but that’s what makes it happen, i’m giving challenges to accomplish like having to survive, to raise a family to do what i could do to make the world better to try to understand how the world works.
These challenges are the primary joy of my current heaven and i thank god i wasn’t sent to hell, where probably i’d be doomed to the worst punishment of all, not fire and brimstone, but boredom. Why is solitary confinement, the worst prison punishment because it consists of intense boredom? My guess is that in hell, you’re not allowed to do anything interesting but are confined to sitting on clouds playing sweet music on a harp and listening to others play their sweet tunes. It’S a dreadfully boring existence made worse by the fact that it will go on for eternity recall that huckleberry finn decided that if tom sawyer was going to go to hell, that’s where huck wanted to go. My greatest joys in life have come from successfully meeting hard challenges.
Does anybody enjoy video games which are easy to defeat? No, those are no fun. People get great joy from challenges. Thank you, god, for sending me a heaven that is hard. The fog of grief is emotional, mental and physical, and can take time to unravel and release.
In most cases, your memory, loss and inability to concentrate should lift within a few months and aren’t permanent. In some cases it may take longer. Grief is a natural process to loss. It’S the emotional suffering. You feel when something or someone you love is taken away.
Often the pain of loss can feel overwhelming. You may experience all kinds of difficult and unexpected emotions from shock or anger to disbelief, guilt and profound sadness. The pain of grief can also disrupt your physical health, making it difficult to sleep, eat or even think straight. These are normal reactions to laws and the more significant the loss. The more intense your grief will be coping with the loss of someone or something you love is one of life’s greatest challenges.
You may associate grieving with the death of a loved one, which is often the cause of the most intense type of grief, whatever your loss, it’s personal to you, so don’t feel ashamed about how you feel or believe that it’s somehow only appropriate to grieve for certain Things if the person, animal relationship or situation was significant to you, it’s normal to grieve the loss you’re experiencing whatever the cause of your grief, though there are healthy ways to cope with the pain that, in time, can ease your sadness and help.
You come to terms with your loss, find new, meaning and eventually move on with your life. Moving on this is when people live by the platitude society gives, when someone dies, people say get over it. They’Re dead, you’re young, get a new life. You’Ve grieved enough.
You can’t change, it list goes on and on so we bury it push it aside and stop feeling we move on with our lives and never really grieve. Remember society tells us how to grieve moving forward. Will i admit to falling into the trap of the above sure i did then i was referred to the book. The great recovery handbook, which is available on amazon. My life changed at that moment.
Death changes everything yet death changes nothing. This is an interesting observation and realization your loved one existed. They had a life of their own and a life with you that never changes a child or adult child who’s lost their parent. All they have to do is look in the mirror they can see in them their mom and dad a person who’s a widow or widower. Like me, look at your children and you’ll see your spouse.
There’S a hole in your heart, however. Think of it. This way. The whole was the peace they took with them and they gave you a piece of theirs share this story with your loved ones. It might inspire them and make their day thanks for reading.